Langelotti Raphaël برنامه ها

Culture G 2.1
Langelotti Raphaël
Vous en avez marre de n'avoir aucune culturegénérale?Vous n'en pouvez plus de vous faire griller au concours descapitales, ou départements?Vous voulez parfaire votre anglais?Vous cherchez une application pour occuper votre transport encommun?Marre d'être le cow-boy?Alors ne cherchez plus, et essayez cette applicationspécialement conçue pour que les informations se greffent dansvotre cerveau.De l'apprentissage par quizz, ça vous tente?L'essayer c'est l'adopter. Passez une demi heure sur les Capitales,et vous en connaitrez plus de la moitié.Satisfaits ou Remboursés! :PBourrée d'algorithmes en tous genres, elle est capable de vousposer les bonnes questions au bon moment, afin que la mémorisationsoit optimale. Le tout, sous forme d'un jeu convivial, qui proposeplusieurs modes... Un mode jeu, et un mode entrainement.Au départ, les quizz vont vous sembler très simples, peut être tropsimples, car vous déduirez les réponses.. Mais persévérez, et petità petit, l'application va corser le jeu, par le choix desquestions, d'une part, et par l'apparition de "#" dans lesréponses, d'autre part, vous empêchant de déduire les bonnesréponses...Amusez vous bien, apprenez bien, et n'hésitez pas à laisser descom!Tired of having nogeneral knowledge?You can do more than you grill in the competition of capitals, ordepartments?Want to improve your English?Looking for an application to occupy your transportation?Tired of being the cowboy?Then look no further and try this application specificallydesigned for that information are grafted into your brain.Learning through quizzes, anyone?Try it and adopt it. Spend half an hour on the Capitals, and youwill know more than half.Guarantees or return! : PStuffed all kinds of algorithms, it is able to ask the rightquestions at the right time, so that storage is optimal. The whole,as a friendly game, which offers various ... A game mode, andtraining mode.Initially, the quiz will seem very simple, can be too simple,because you deduct the answers .. But persevere, and little bylittle, the application will spice up the game, the choice ofquestions, first, and by the appearance of "#" in the responses, onthe other, preventing you to deduce the correct answers ...Enjoy, learn well, and feel free to leave com!
Xp Booster Official 6.0
Langelotti Raphaël
Have you ever played the game on calculator 1+ 1 = 2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 etc ... to see which one will go thefurthest?Well here is the application made ​​for you.Challenge your friends on a long-term game, where only the clickcounts !Click click click , and be the first in the ranking.No need reflex . No need for intelligence. Just a lot ofperseverance !If you like it, check xp booster 2.. :)Fed up with clicking 5 000 times ?You can dowload premium app, whici give you the same exp, byclicking 5 times. Yes, only 5 times. :)
Xp Booster Official 3.0
Langelotti Raphaël
Have you ever played the game on calculator 1+1 = 2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 etc ... to see which one will gothefurthest?Well here is the application made ​​for you.Challenge your friends on a long-term game, where only theclickcounts !Click click click , and be the first in the ranking.No need reflex . No need for intelligence. Just a lotofperseverance !
Quizz 1D 1.0
Langelotti Raphaël
You think you know everything aboutonedirection ?You think Liam , Harry, Niall, Zayn and Louis no longer haveanysecret for you?Well I think you're wrong !Make this test, and share your results to prove it!Challenge your friends to see who knows this group best!
TDP : Test De Pureté 4.0
Langelotti Raphaël
Voici l'application qui va te permettredeconnaitre ton score d'impureté !Réponds aux questions, et détermine si tu es plus pur que tes amis!George Orwell a dit :"Je hais la pureté. Je hais la bonté. Je ne voudrais d'aucunevertunulle part. Je voudrais... "Passe ce test, et vois si tu aurais plu à George Owell :)Sache que les réponses ne sont pas enregistrées, donc quoiqueturépondes, ça reste entre toi... et toi. :) (Et la personnequiregarde ce que tu réponds par dessus ton épaule dans le bus)Here is theapplicationthat will allow you to know your score impurity!Answer the questions and determines whether you are more purethanyour friends!George Orwell said:"I hate purity. I hate goodness. I would under no nowhere. I wantto..."Pass this test, and see if you would have liked to GeorgeOwell:)Know that the answers are not recorded, so although youanswer,that remains between you ... and you. :) (And the viewerthat youanswer over your shoulder on the bus)
Xp Booster Premium simulation 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Card 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Action 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Adventure 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Racing 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Sport 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium Educational 1.0
If I tell you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !
Xp Booster Premium 2.0
If I say you, you can earn 100 000 xp intensecond. You will probably say i'm crazy !So, THIS app is crazy ! With Xp booster premium, you can obtainalot of xp (100 000) in just 5 click.No reflex, no difficulty, just xp !!!Have fun, and let me know if you want a second applicationlikethis !